Slide bearings.
Your best choice for outstanding results.

Infinite endurance for profitable machines.
Extreme forces throughout the driveline need a strong guide: RENK slide bearings. They are the unrivalled experts in mastering high dynamics. With RENK, you will find exactly the standard or customized solution that perfectly complements your application. As the world’s leader in slide bearing technology, RENK brings unique precision, performance and durability to your project. Every bearing and every detail benefits from our more than 140 years of experience and innovation, delivering the highest efficiency and reliability.
- Maximum efficiency
- Infinite efficiency
- Unrivaled precision
For your enduring success, RENK slide bearings provide everlasting quality.
The advantages of RENK slide bearing at a glance:
- Highest availability
- Extremely robust and durable
- Wear- and maintenance free
- Vibration-free and noiseless running
- Compact, space-saving size
- Systematic, modular design
- High reliability thanks to minimum number of parts
- Decades of expertise in slide bearing design

RENK slide bearing technology: precision engineering that defeats wear and tear
Reduced costs, zero downtimes, less maintenance – RENK slide bearing technology provides so much more than just the flawless functioning of your application. Turn our quality advantage into your competitive edge. With globally unique slide bearing expertise from RENK, you can perma nently master extreme forces in the drivetrain in every dimension. Because they are forged from our uncompromis ing commitment to quality. RENK keeps your things moving wherever maximum availability counts and cost-critical problems must be avoided: in industrial, power generation and demanding marine applications.

Comprehensively increase your application’s availability through our expertise and our needs-based solution
Not just our bearings run smoothly. The associated RENK services also keep business moving for you. Experience a dedicated partner who assists you with a broad lifecycle services portfolio to ensure the safe and efficient operation of your installations. As your dedicated consulting partner, RENK also provides customized engineering, proprietary testing facilities and global maintenance support.
Our e-Bearings made for boosting your efficiency.
Since decades, we work with uncompromising precision, meeting every required standard and special demand to ensure unmachted reliability and degree of efficiency. By this we achieve a superior performance for your electric machine, turbine, pump, turbo compressor, fan or test stand.
- Suitable for very high speeds
- Modular design and accessories provides highest flexibility
- Easy to mount
- Resistant to dust penetration and vibrations
- Wear-free with the lowest maintenance demands
We have a broad portfolio with various housing shapes, lubrication and cooling variants as well as sealing systems. And our flexible, modular approach and the wide variatey of accessories enables you to adapt every bearing exactly to your specific application.
Ingrained reliability to the micrometer.
Horizontal support bearings for withstanding strong radial and axial forces.
Maximizing your plant’s availability was our benchmark when developing our innovative support bearings. Depending on the type, the bearing housings are available as pedestal, center flange (type SM) or saddle bearings. Operate them either with self-lubrication or with external lubricant supply. Some examples of our product lines:
Our vertical bearings - a reliable foundation for efficiency.
RENK vertical bearings of the EV and V series cover the entire range of applications for slow- to high-speed vertical machines. Based on proven RENK designs, they can be perfectly matched to the specific performance and speed range of vertically installed pumps, blowers, turbines or electric machines. As a pure guide bearing or as a combined thrust-and-guide bearing, they offer the highest quality and unlimited service life.
Should you have any questions or requirements concerning our products, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

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