Vacuum gearbox systems

HET Gear®
The vacuum turbo gear units from RENK-MAAG GmbH are designed and constructed according to the latest findings and methods of gear unit technology. Turbo gear units from RENK-MAAG GmbH can transmit a power of up to 120/180 MW and serve as the key component of an energy production system or as compressor drive unit (such as those used for air separation, gas compression, in the chemical and petrochemical industries, the refining of raw materials, steelworks, and in the process industry).
etaX®− high-speed gearbox optimized for minimum power loss
The ever-increasing performance limits in the high-speed gear unit market have prompted ongoing further developments in RENK’s gear unit technology. Newly developed RENK technologies such as etaX®-Vacutech or etax®-ISOPress bearings, enable us to cut the loss of power by up to 40% today. At the same time, we are increasing the level of operating safety with a significantly reduced temperature level in the gear tooth area.

Should you have any questions or requirements concerning our products, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

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