RENK Synchronous clutch couplings

Synchronous clutch couplings

HS Type
The HS synchronous clutch coupling is a hydraulically activated synchronous clutch coupling with straight toothing. It automatically engages at low speeds when the input shaft overtakes the output shaft. The coupling can be disengaged at any speed by reducing the output to under ten percent and sending the corresponding signal to the hydraulic unit. When engaged, the HS synchronous clutch coupling functions like a classic gear coupling. Due to the straight toothing, the full positive and negative torque can be transmitted without disengaging.
MS Type with form-fit connection
The MS synchronous coupling from RENK-MAAG GmbH provides a form-fit connection – similar to a flexible coupling – between synchronously-rotating system parts and automatically separates at non-synchronous speeds. The coupling is wear-free due to the hydrodynamic lubrication of all components. The synchronizing mechanism is also relieved by the helical design of the load toothing. The coupling functions like a flexible coupling and can compensate for large axial displacements, radial misalignments, or angular errors.
As soon as the input speed falls lower than the output speed, for example when shutting down a combined power plant, the coupling is automatically separated without wear due to the helical toothing – and all at an extremely low vibration level.
When disengaged, the MS clutch generates negligible drag torques and can ensure the safe separation of the system due to additionally integrated components. This makes it possible to carry out maintenance tasks in switched off areas of the system and thereby keep production downtimes at a low level.

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